In November 2007, I started sending out a weekly email called “Things”, which contained links to things I found interesting on the internet that week.
In March 2010, I created this blog in order to record historic Things and post new ones.
The question of what to call the blog was a difficult one – clearly “Things” is not particularly memorable, googleable, or unique, so would have to change. One day my good friend Clare, exasperated by terrible internet advertising, remarked:
“They’re like, ‘I see that you’re interested in potatoes. Why not visit my website,'”
Well, that’s a good name, and Things is almost entirely not about potatoes, so I asked if I could use it, and she very kindly said yes. Although .com seemed like overkill, so here we are, at*, a complete archive of old Things, and new ones on Fridays once a month whenever I manage to finish a draft instead of endlessly editing it. Enjoy!
*Cannot guarantee 100% potato-free