
Things 62: 360 video, one word websites, 48-hour day

(Originally sent November 2010, maybe)

I found this pretty amazing – a video in which you can choose where to direct your gaze, a bit like Google Street View but in motion:

I collected some nice single-question-answering websites last year, let me know if you know any others:

Frank Banks:

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way; if you don’t, you’ll find an excuse”

Imagine (or remember) standing somewhere in the UK at midday on January 1st .

12 hours ago the year 2010 had just begun in the UK. However, due to timezone differences, some places saw January 1st a further 12 hours ago – 24 hours ago from your current vantage point of midday in the UK.

Conversely, there’s still 12 more hours of January 1st to go. but due to timezone differences, some places won’t reach the end of the day for a further 12 hours – 24 hours from your current vantage point of midday in the UK.

Of course, this means January 1st is actually 48 hours long – or in other words, two days.

How can one day be two days long?